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Posted by curious
11/17/2014  9:40:00 AM
Why are instructors allowed to socialize with their students during competitions if it's not considered appropriate otherwise?
Re: socializing
Posted by Clary
11/17/2014  10:46:00 AM
Because even though there is social component to competitions, they are still a "business activity" between a vendor and their customers.
Re: socializing
Posted by ballroomchick
11/17/2014  11:34:00 AM
That sounds like your are from Arthur Murrays.

Why would AM instructors do this? You have paid $$$$ to do a comp with them that would have cost you 1/2 that price or less out the AM world. They want to make sure you have a goooood time to keep coming back.

Independent teachers do what they wish. Nothing wrong meeting up at event parties or group dinners with students. I know 1 guy who took his instructor to Peru for 2 weeks after they got through with a competition in South America. It was a trip of a life time for her. We all got to live the trip with them through FB photos. She has a very secure boyfriend and they are both the instructor and student are upstanding people.

What is creepy is for a student to sleep their way up the chain of dance instructors. Also an instructor who hits up students to sleep with them. Its a small world and everyone knows what everyone is doing. Think long and hard on your actions. It could very well affect who wishes to socialize with you/or who wishes to take instruction from you.
Re: socializing
Posted by ladydance
11/18/2014  7:25:00 AM
There is no law, that allows or doesn't allow, socializing. There can be an expectation from a studio that an instructor behave a certain way, that is as far as it goes. If Ballroomchick is right and you are with AM, they make up all sorts of rules and present them as if there is some sort of legal backing. They are very good at sending offical looking (threatening) letters to keep students and instructors in line.

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